Sunday, June 21, 2009

Genesis of an idea

When my collaborator, Cathy Figur, and I started talking about this idea, it was because we had stories of when we were kids that were of experiences that just wouldn't (or couldn't) happen today. What really crystallized the idea was when we started hearing of the failing retirement plans and pensions 401(k) plans drying up.

That's when the fun of recalling growing up in the 1960s became the realizing the pain of growing old in the 2000s. So, we felt we had to write about it.

This blog is a collection of essays and opinions from children born between the late 1940s and into the late 1950s. It expresses our point of view on everything from mom's overcooked roast beef to safety to the lack of a way to grow old with our dignity intact.

Now, I realize those of the Millennium Gen and Gen Xers and Yers are scoffing at this idea. However, before you take it too far, remember it could happen to you.

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

So, please read with a jaundised eye and an open mind the miscellaneous ramblings of two (and maybe more) children of the 1950s and 60s.


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